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Wound Care in Columbus, OH

Wound care by a plastic surgeon can help minimize the appearance of scars. DePerro Plastic Surgery treats residents in Columbus, Dublin, Clintonville, Upper Arlington and the surrounding areas of Ohio. Call and make an appointment with Dr. Michael DePerro to discuss what we can offer you.

What is Wound Care?

Wounds are often cared for by a variety of medical professionals, but in some situations, the expertise of a plastic surgeon can be especially beneficial. Dr. DePerro uses advanced techniques and technologies to ensure that your wounds heal as well as possible while preserving the aesthetic appearance of the skin.

What Happens During the Wound Care Procedure?

The medical approach to wound care is largely determined on a case-by-case basis and ranges from stitches to skin grafts. The method for your wound care procedure will be discussed during your consultation. Our consultations ensure that you get the best care possible, depending on your unique situation.

How Much Does Wound Care Cost in Columbus, OH?

Our wound care treatment is unique, just like you. Every patient’s needs are different, so the cost of wound care varies based on the factors of your specific situation. A consultation with Dr. DePerro will provide you with all the information you need to decide on what you want and the cost of achieving it. DePerro Plastic Surgery accepts all major credit cards, checks, cash, and we even offer special financing through CareCredit®.

DePerro Plastic Surgery offers personalized care for personalized results. Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule your consultation with Dr. Michael DePerro. We treat residents in Columbus, Ohio, and other areas in the state.