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Rhinoplasty in Columbus, OH

Everyone wants a nose that is easy to breathe through free from breathing hindrances and also attractive and proportional to their facial features.  Dr. Michael DePerro offers his patients a rhinoplasty as a way to correct obstructions to airflow and/or to improve the overall shape and profile of the nose.  DePerro Plastic Surgery services residents in Columbus, Dublin, Clintonville, Upper Arlington and the surrounding areas of Ohio.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure to address aesthetic and/or functional issues with the nose. Some patients suffer from breathing difficulties as a result of abnormal nasal anatomy and others may have a crooked nose due to a previous trauma requiring them to seek a functional rhinoplasty. The goal of a functional rhinoplasty is to correct the cause of the obstruction and to restore the nose to its pre-injury appearance.

What are the Benefits of Rhinoplasty?

Some patients seek surgical consultation because they just don’t like the appearance of their nose. They may have an abnormal bump, bulbous tip, or other features that they feel are not aesthetically pleasing. A rhinoplasty can help give the nose a more pleasant appearance as well as fix any functional issues, such as breathing obstructions.

Who is a Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Candidates for a rhinoplasty include patients who are:

  • In good physical and mental health
  • Free from any medical condition that may prevent healing after surgery
  • Unhappy with the appearance of their nose
  • Suffering from breathing difficulties

What to Expect During your Rhinoplasty Consultation?

During your consultation, Dr. DePerro will listen to the specific issues and concerns that you would like addressed. It’s important that you tell Dr. DePerro exactly what it is about your nose that bothers you. This will enable the two of you to formulate a plan to best accomplish your goals. Also, if your issues were the result of a trauma it is important to bring old photos to show Dr. DePerro what your nose looked like before your injury. If you are seeking an aesthetic rhinoplasty please bring photos of examples of noses you like and also photos of ones you don’t like. This helps Dr. DePerro know exactly what you’re hoping to achieve with surgery. Dr. DePerro looks forward to meeting you and providing personalized care for your personalized results.

How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost in Columbus, OH?

The cost of a nose job may vary according to what exactly you want done by Dr. DePerro. At your consultation, you both will discuss your options, and the overall cost will be calculated. Cash, check, and major credit card are all forms of payment that we accept. DePerro Plastic Surgery also offers CareCredit® financing for those who wish to finance their procedure.

DePerro Plastic Surgery offers personalized care for personalized results. Residents in or near Columbus and other areas in the state who are ready to make a positive change should take the next step. Don’t hesitate to contact us and set up your rhinoplasty consultation with Dr. Michael DePerro today!