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Columbus Residents Ask: How Long Do Lip Injections Last?

You hear a lot of talk about the ‘signs of aging’ and all the methods available to diminish those tell-tale lines and wrinkles. But there’s another area of your face that begins to change as you age, and it’s not addressed nearly as often. It’s your lips. Who doesn’t...

Columbus Residents Ask: Where on the Body Can Botox® Be Performed?

Perhaps the better question is: Where on the body can you NOT use Botox®? It truly seems the longer it’s around, the more new discoveries are made for additional issues Botox® can successfully treat. According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic...

How Long do my TruSculpt 3D Results Last?

Stubborn fat pockets can happen to the best of us. Despite your hard work in the gym and a clean diet, there may be pockets of fat in the body that simply refuse to budge. So what can you do? Fortunately, truSculpt® 3D exists to help eliminate those problem spots and...

Difference Between Botox and Fillers

Often, dermal fillers and injectables are all lumped into the same category. They are all fast, efficient and convenient ways to look younger and feel better about your appearance. However, just because they share some similarities does not mean they are all the same....

Most Popular Non-Surgical Procedures Today

For many, the idea of electing to undergo plastic surgery to address a cosmetic concern may be an intimidating thought. After all, surgery is a major investment of time and money that not everyone is ready for. Fortunately, non-surgical procedures exist that can have...